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National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference
Friday - Sunday July 28-30, 2006
Ward Circle Building, American University
Washington, DC


Immigrant Campaign Proposals and Campaign Working Groups

We hope that this conference will come up with some concrete ideas, so we are suggesting that members submit proposals for ongoing efforts.

Below is an initial outline on how that can proceed. We welcome
ideas to improve it.

Lists of the Campaign Proposals

Submit Your Proposal

We are asking that immigrant and activist organizations submit immigrant campaign proposals for discussion during the conference [please read: About the Conference]

Copies of proposals will be distributed to the conference participants for discussion and endorsement at the Strategy Assembly Sunday, July 30 afternoon, please check the conference schedule.

The campaign proposals should follow our points of unity.

Based on the endorsed proposals, we'll create several working groups, along with a volunteer intern steering committee. to carry out the projects for the next six months.

Working groups are open to everyone, and they will elect or appoint 1-2 persons to join the intern steering committee .

Some suggestions for working groups, (others can be added):

- Student/Youth
- Community Support
- Day Labor
- Education/Outreach
- Legislative

Working Groups and the intern steering committee will have bi-monthly conference calls and separate working e-mail lists, we'll offer necessary logistics supports.

After 4 months, we hope such efforts will help us create a permanent direct-action based national grassroots immigrant coalition (either create a brand new organization, or a continuation of National Immigrant Solidarity Network), with a elected steering committee, and call for a national conference on Spring 2007.


Conference Proposal Submit Form

Last Name:
First Name:
Suite Apartment:
Proposal Title:
Campaign Area:
Summary of the Proposal:
Goals and Key Strategies:
Major Activities and Tactics:
Main Messages:
How This Campaign Will Help Us:
Major Constituencies:
Key Dates Related to This Prop:
Planning to Come to the Conf:
If Not Who Will Present:


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