November 2005 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest

National Immigrant Solidarity Network

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November 2005 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter
Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network
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Bush's "New" Immigration Policy:
Old Wine in the New Bottle + Spinning from the Losing Iraq War

Bad Border Bill Sailing Through Congress, Bush Pushes His "Compassionate" Anti-Immigrant Agendas
Commentary and Action Appeal from National Immigrant Solidarity Network

Although Congress was out of session for the Thanksgiving holiday, they have vowed to have a full vote on the Border Security and Terrorism Prevention Act the week of December 12. It is very important to express opposition to this bill - right now, and this bill may get even worse before it gets better. And U.S. Rep. John Culberson, a Texas Republican, is pushing legislation to create a citizen border patrol whose members would be deputized to make arrests and authorized to carry guns.

President Bush, on the other hand, once again along with the Congress, spinning his rhetoric from the failure war in Iraq, to blaming the immigrants for all the World's problems.

For much of the past five years, President Bush has sought to smooth the edges of the national immigration debate with the sentimental observation that "family values don't stop at the Rio Grande River." He has lamented the suffering inflicted by illegal border crossings and celebrated the migrants' contributions to the U.S. economy. But during his visit to the border this week, the president tucked away his compassionate conservatism and strutted his stuff as a tough-talking lawman determined to bring order to the 1,950-mile U.S.-Mexico border.

He showed far more willingness to crack down at the country's edge, however, than to demand that employers, whose jobs draw migrants northward, comply with the law - which many believe is essential for successful immigration reform. Here are some of the provisions of the bill draft by the Congress:
* The Department of Homeland Security must develop a comprehensive border security plan in the next six months that will increase the use of technology, infrastructure, and manpower at the border.
* The bill puts terrorists and undocumented migrants in the same category, saying that this new plan must respond to both threats equally.
* Put 8,000 new Border Patrol Agents on our borders
* The Department of Defense must develop a plan to allow the Border Patrol to more fully take advantage of its resources. It
includes unmanned aerial vehicles, radars, surveillance equipment and "assistance" in conducting surveillance activities.
* Requires Homeland Security to develop a plan for securing national parks, forests, and other recreational areas along the border. This would give them increased authority on environmentally sensitive lands.
* Mandates the detention and deportation of all undocumented migrants. If they are released pending a court date, they must take out a minimum bond of $5,000. This will basically increase the jailing of migrants.
* Transfer the authority of the Tohono O'odham Shadow Wolves (the reservation's police force that addresses migration issues) to the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Take Actions! Contact President Bush and your congressional representatives today!

For more updates information, please visit our webpage:

(Source: UFW, Copley News Service, Latin America Working Group)

In This Issue:

1. Bush/Congress Anti-Immigrant Agendas (Pg 1)
2. Minutemen Watch (Pg 4)
3. Media Bias Against Immigrants (Pg 5)
4. Immigrant Peace & Justice Campaign (Pg 5)
5. Immigration News (Pg 6)
6. DREAM Watch (Pg 7)
7. Updates from the Network (Pg 8)


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