Timeline: the attack on Afghanistan

(All times are BST)

Sunday October 7, 2001

Before the attacks
The US secretary of state, Colin Powell, calls the leaders of Mexico, Tajikistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Oman, Ukraine, Bahrain and Turkmenistan and Japan. He also speaks to the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan.
Richard Armitage, Mr Powell's deputy, contacts key US to ensure their security is at the highest possible level.
The US president, George Bush, telephones key coalition leaders to warn that the strikes are imminent.

Planes roar over Kabul shortly after a nightly curfew takes effect and drop bombs on Taliban targets in the city and near the airport. Electricity goes off almost immediately, although it is not clear if this is a result of a strike or a defensive measure.

Anti-aircraft fire and explosions are reported in Kabul, prompting news flashes throughout the world to announce that the US-led war on terrorism has opened a military front.
Strikes are also reported in Kandahar, the second city and home of the Taliban.

Mr Bush announces that the US, with Britain's help, has begun military strikes against Afghanistan's ruling Taliban and terrorist training camps belonging to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network.

A statement from the prime minister, Tony Blair, confirms that British troops are involved in the attacks.

Jalalabad, in the east of the country, comes under attack.

The German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, gives his backing to the strikes.

The anti-Taliban Northern Alliance says it supports the attacks, provided there is "no damage" to civilians

Taliban officials say they are "ready for jihad".

The Taliban's ambassador to Pakistan, Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef, says the military strikes on his country are a "terrorist" attack and vows not to handover Bin Laden. He says America will be responsible for the death of "Poor and common Afghans" and vows to "fight to the last breath".

There is a second wave of attacks on Kandahar. The leader of the Taliban, Mullah Mohammed Omar, is believed to be a target.

Bin Laden praises the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington without claiming responsibility in a pre-recorded statement broadcast on an Arab TV channel. He said America would have no peace until there was peace in Palestine and called Mr Bush the "head of the infidels".

The French president, Jacques Chirac, announces that French forces will take part in military action in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani foreign ministry releases a statement saying the Taliban had brought the strikes on themselves but expressed hope that the operation will be brief and spare civilians.

A compound near Kandahar airport is damaged but the runway is untouched, the Taliban announces.

A residential area once used by Bin Laden near Kandahar is hit in the attack.
Russia backs the strikes, saying international terrorism must "face justice".

A senior Taliban official claims it has downed an unidentified plane in southern Afghanistan during the attacks. There is no immediate independent confirmation.

Herat airport, in the west of the country, is reported to have been hit.

It is announced the US vice president, Dick Cheney, has been moved to a secret location for his own safety. Mr Bush remains in the White House.


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