Weapons used in the Afghan attack

Tomahawk Cruise Missile
A long-range, jet-powered cruise missile launched from navy ships and submarines. First used in the Gulf war, the missile has since been used several times since, including the 1998 attacks on Osama bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan. The missile uses global positioning system (GPS) technology and computer mapping programs to hit its target.
Manufacturer: Raytheon
Engine: Turbofan and solid rocket booster
Length: 6.15 metres with booster or 5.48 metres without
Diameter: 51.8 centimetres
Wingspan: 2.63 metres
Weight: 1,305 kg, 1,350 kg with booster
Cost: $600,000
Range: 1,000 miles
Speed: About 550 mph

Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Tomahawk Information Page: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/bgm-109.htm

Article About Tomahawk missiles in Covert Action Quarterly

Joint Direct Attack Munition
A special kit that fits on the tail of a conventional 450kg or 900kg bomb allowing it to be guided by GPS. The military developed the system after the Gulf war to allow planes to drop conventional bombs during bad weather or from longer distances.
Manufacturer: Boeing
Length (JDAM and warhead): From 303.5 centimetres to 387.9 centimetres, depending on size of bomb
Wingspan: Either 64 centimetres or 50 centimetres
Weight: Between 456kg and 952kg
Wingspan: 49.8 centimetres to 63.5 centimetres
Range: 15 miles
Ceiling: 13,500 metres
Cost: About $21,000 per kit

FAS Infomation on Joint Direct Attack Munition: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/jdam.htm

B-1B Lancer
A long-range bomber that can fly round-the-world missions. Initially built to carry nuclear bombs, now used to unleash conventional bombs. First deployed in combat to support operations against Iraq in 1998 during Operation Desert Fox.
Manufacturer: Boeing
Engines: Four turbofans with afterburners
Length: 44 metres
Wingspan: 41 metres, with wings extended forward, 23.7 metres with wings swept back
Speed: More than 900 mph
Range: Intercontinental
Weapons: Up to 80 conventional bombs, 30 cluster bombs, 24 guided "smart" bombs
First deployed: 1985
Crew: Four (aircraft commander, pilot, offensive weapons officer, defensive weapons officer)
Cost: $200m

FAS Infomation on B-1B: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/bomber/b-1b.htm

B-2 Spirit
Also known as the stealth; bomber, the B-2's wing shape, special materials and other measures are designed to make it difficult for enemy radar to track.
Manufacturer: Northrop Grumman Corp.
Engines: Four turbofans
Length: 69 feet (20.7 meters)
Wingspan: 172 feet (51.6 meters)
Speed: High subsonic (less than 750 mph)

FAS Information on B-2: http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/bomber/b-2.htm


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