DOJ Terror Groups List

By The Associated Press,
Wednesday October 31 7:23 PM ET

The 46 groups that Attorney General John Ashcroft on Wednesday requested
the State Department designate as terrorist organizations have been
previously identified by the administration. The groups and their previous
identification: Groups identified by President Bush in a Sept. 23
executive order freezing assets of terrorist organizations

AIAI, also known as Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya

Al Rasheed Trust, also known as Al Rashid Trust, Al-Rasheed Trust,
Al-Rashid Trust, Pakistan

Al Wafa, also known as Waafa Humanitarian Organization

Asbat Al-Ansar

Darkazanli Company, also known as Mamoun Darkazanli Import-Export Company,
Darkazanli Export-Import Sonderposten, Hamburg, Germany

GSPC, also known as Salafist Group for Call and Combat

Islamic Army of Aden

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

Makhtab Al-Khidamat/Al Kifah, Pakistan Groups identified jointly by the Justice Department and State Department on Oct. 12 as committing or supporting terrorists acts

Al-Hamati Sweets Bakeries, Yemen

Al-Nur Honey Center, also known as Al-Nur Honey Press Shops, Yemen

Al-Shifa' Honey Press for Industry and Commerce, Yemen

Army of Mohammed, also known as Jaish-I-Mohammed, Pakistan

Jam'Iyat Al Ta'Awun Al Islamiyya, also known as Jam'Yah Ta'Awun
Al-Islamia, JIT, Society of Islamic Cooperation, Afghanistan

Rabita Trust, Pakistan Groups identified by the State Department in April
as having committed at least one terrorist attack

Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB)

Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR), also known as Interahamwe,
Former Armed Forces (Ex-Far)

Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA), also known as Continuity Army

First of October Antifascist Resistance Group (GRAPO)

Lashkar-E-Tayyiba (LT) (Army of the Righteous)

Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)

New People's Army (NPA)

Orange Volunteers (OV)

People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)

Red Hand Defenders (RHD)

Revolutionary United Front (RUF)

Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

Free Aceh Movement (GAM)



The Breton Resistance Army (ARB)

Black Star

Anarchist Faction

Red Brigades-Combatant Communist Party (BR-PCC)

Revoluntionary Proletarian Nucleus

Turkish Hezballah

Jerusalem Warriors

Palestinian Hezballah

Umar Al-Mukhtar Forces

Martyrs of Al-Aqsa

Salah Al-Din Battalions

Movement for the Struggle of the Jordanian Islamic Resistance

Holy Warriors of Ahmad Daqamseh

Islamic Renewal and Reform Organization

Muhammad's Army

Islamic Deterrence Force

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