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National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
New York: (212)330-8172
Washington DC: (202)595-8990

The National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious, and student activist organizations from across the country. We work with leading immigrant rights, students and labor groups. In solidarity with their campaigns, and organize community immigrant rights education campaigns.

From legislative letter-writing campaigns to speaker bureaus and educational materials, we organize critical immigrant-worker campaigns that are moving toward justice for all immigrants!

Appeal for Donations!

Please support the Important Work of National Immigrant Solidarity Network!

Send check pay to:
The Peace Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA 90048

(All donations are tax deductible)

Information about the National Immigrant Solidarity network
Pamphlet (PDF)

See our Flyers Page to download flyers



Open Letter from Immigrant Soldarity Network: Appeal for Donations!
Released 09 November 2004  By Lee Siu Hin

By: Lee Siu Hin
Co-founder, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, US-Mexico Border Information Project


The election is over, the U.S. attack aganist Fllujah begins, We will seeing mor anti-immigrant and racist registration from the Bush Administration next four years! However, we'll not let a small setback of November from stopping us our struggles to fight for peace and just at home and around the World!

National Immigrant Solidarity Network is asking for your support to continue the fight for our immigrant justice campaigns in the coming year! We are fully volunteer-based activist organizations and your every dollar will counts for our work!


Last summer, we organized August 27 Immigrant Workers Day of action and Speak Out! at counter-RNC mobilization in New York City; we support and organized several nation-wide DREAM Acts actions; we also organized immigrant workers contingent for the October 17 Million Workers March in Washington D.C.; we support immigrant workers students campaigns, and initiating Asian Students Against Sweatshops-a first API student based anti-sweatshops organization.

We have lots of works to do for the coming year! Therefore, we are asking the movement to send financial support to continue our work, and our projects for the 2005.

By the end of the year, we need to raise about $7500.00 for various different projects National Immigrant Solidarity Network will be organizing for the year 2005:

(1) $1000: Funding Immigrant Solidarity Network and Border Information listserve and webpage to an automated posting system.

(2) $2000: Funding National Immigrant Solidarity Network to print "Know Your Immigrant Workers Rights" educational materials and monthly "U.S. Immigration Alerts!" newsletter.

(3) $1500: Funding National Immigrant Solidarity Network to organize the first National Immigrant Strategy Conference in the late Spring at New York City.

(5) $1500: For funding of the Asian Americans Against Sweatshops, the first national Asian American student-labor justice organization.

(6) $1500: Los Angeles Chinese immigrant justice projects in Los Angeles Chinatown, including a community survey and monthly forums in 2005.

Please send your check pay to: ActionLA/ISN

Mailing Address:
ActionLA / The Peace Center
8124 West 3rd Street
Suite 104
Los Angeles, California 90048


National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Donation Forum

NAME: _____________________________________

PHONE: _____________________________________

E-MAIL: _____________________________________

ORG: _____________________________________

ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________


____ $100.00 ____ $ 50.00 ____ $ 25.00 ____ Other Amount $___________

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131

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