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National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
New York: (212)330-8172
Washington DC: (202)595-8990

The National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious, and student activist organizations from across the country. We work with leading immigrant rights, students and labor groups. In solidarity with their campaigns, and organize community immigrant rights education campaigns.

From legislative letter-writing campaigns to speaker bureaus and educational materials, we organize critical immigrant-worker campaigns that are moving toward justice for all immigrants!

Appeal for Donations!

Please support the Important Work of National Immigrant Solidarity Network!

Send check pay to:
The Peace Center/ActionLA
8124 West 3rd Street Suite 104
Los Angeles, CA 90048

(All donations are tax deductible)

Information about the National Immigrant Solidarity network
Pamphlet (PDF)

See our Flyers Page to download flyers



6/17 Los Angeles: Training of Trainers on Immigration Reform
Released 16 June 2005  By So Cal Comprehensive Immigration Reform Working Group

The following call was made by the So Cal Comprehensive
Immigration Reform Working Group that will be training
community leaders on some of the ways to talk about
immigration reform within their communities. This is the
kick-start for our Week of Immigrant Dialogue, which is next
week. Get Educated and Spread the Word in Your Community!

WHAT: Training of Trainers on Immigration Reform
WHY: To begin to talk to our communities about
immigration reform and the Kennedy-McCain Bill
WHEN: Friday, June 17th at 10am
WHERE: SEIU Local 1877, 1247 7th Street, 2nd Floor Mtg Room
TIME: 10am-12pm

The Week of Immigrant Dialogue is the beginning of community
dialogues to speak about Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
Any organization can sponsor a dialogue. Sponsoring
organizations can send their own leaders or staff to get
trained or a trained individual can facilitate your
organization's discussion. Training of Trainers will be in
English and Spanish. Korean Language training will be
available soon. If you are interested, please email or call 213.353.1333 x242.

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