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National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
Tel: (626)394-0710
The National Immigrant Solidarity Network
(NISN) is a coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious,
and student activist organizations from across the country. We work with
leading immigrant rights, students and labor groups. In solidarity with
their campaigns, and organize community immigrant rights education campaigns.
From legislative letter-writing campaigns to speaker
bureaus and educational materials, we organize critical immigrant-worker
campaigns that are moving toward justice for all immigrants!
Appeal for Donations!
Please support the Important
Work of National Immigrant Solidarity Network!
Send check pay to:
PO Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031
(All donations are tax deductible)
about the National Immigrant Solidarity network
Pamphlet (PDF)
See our Flyers
Page to download flyers
Critical Fund-Raising Appeal for Our Work on Immigrant Workers Rights, Social, Racial,LGBTQI+ & Economic Justice; NO US-NATO War with Russia/China, Gaza Ceasefire Now! Money for Human Needs at Home, Not $$$/Weapons to Ukraine and Israel! |
Critical Fund-Raising Appeal for Our Work on Immigrant Workers Rights, Social, Racial,LGBTQI+ & Economic Justice; NO US-NATO War with Russia/China, Gaza Ceasefire Now! Money for Human Needs at Home, Not $$$/Weapons to Ukraine and Israel!
Together we build our Soical Jutice and the Global Solidarity Movement!
National Immigrant Solidarity Network | Action LA Network
China-US Solidarity Network | Panda Aid Project

Funding to Support Our International Solidarity Campaigns to Fight Against U.S.-NATO War Machine, Free Palestine! End US Support on Israel! Support Our Humanterian Work to Gaza!
Domestically, Campaigns to Fight Against Racism, Massive Immigrant Detention & Deportation, Police Brutality, and Corporate Robbery in America!
Support Labor Rights, Living Wages, Women & LGBTQI+ Rights and Environmental Justice!
— No war with Russia, Stop the NATO expansion, Stop the war in Ukraine!
— Money for human needs at home, Not for $$$/weapons to Ukraine and Israel !
— NO War on China! Yes for Immigrant Rights! Fight Against Racism and Bigoty at Home!
For 2024 we’re aiming to fund raise $50,000 for the following projects:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network: Immigrant worker rights and border justice campaign, march on Chicago DNC 2024 immigrant contingent organizing.
China-US Solidarity Network: travel scholarship for U.S./Chinese youth activists’ delegation, video documentary “Voice of Xinjiang Voice XJ”, book project “China Vs. U.S.”.
Panda Aid: Sending medical/logistic humanitarian aids to Gaza and Gazan refugees in Egypt, activist-run medical tent project in Gaza.
Action LA Network: New ActionLA.org website project, social justice community research and education campaign.
Send Check to Support our Projects! Pay to:
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax deductible)
Our recent and current 2024 projects include:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
We don't believe there're any different between Biden and Trump's racist ant-immigrant and Chinaphobia agenda; with November 2024 elections are near, we demand justice for immigrants, no border wall, stop massive immigrant detention and deportations; no more racist campaigns against China and Chinese Americans!
Monday August 19 Join Immigrant Contingent for Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 2024!
12PM Monday August 19 - Union Park 1501 W. Randolph St Chicago, IL
National Immigrant Solidarity Network is calling for immigrant contingent for the August 19th DNC march at Chicago, IL, organized by The March on the DNC coalition, please join us!
China-US Solidarity Network
With U.S. capitalism has failing, they’re using China as their racist scape goat, had freaking increase its war drum against China. The U.S. military had piled up hundreds of military bases to encircle China with non-sense “China military threat” against China, that’s all our tax payers money with the expense of only benefitting psycho greedy military industrial complex!
U.S. and NATO are also bringing their toxic covert military cancel culture to Aisa, ordering it’s proxy from Japan, South Korea, China’s Taiwan to Philippines against China, a dream of creating another Asia-vision of Russian-Ukrainian conflict in East Asia, to destabilize Asia that only will benefit racist White-Anglo Saxon Partisan Male U.S. imperialists.
Instead of building mutual understanding and economic cooperation, U.S. are funding color revolution and psyops against China, include: Hong Kong color revolution riots of 2014-2019, so-called the “umbrella revolution”, or Xinjiang and Taiwan separatist movements.
The peace-loving and social justice activist from China and U.S. are loudly say NO to the U.S. imperialist agenda! And we had been building activist dialogues from both countries, delegations and fact-finding mission to China, as well as joint book project “Capitalism on a Ventilator” and “Voice of Xinjiang” “Vaccine and Sanctions” documentary projects.
June 20-30/2024: The Successful Ten-Days US Activist Youth Delegation to China, organized by China-US Solidarity Network!

Photo: Youth Delegation at the site of the first national convention of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Shanghai, China June 23, 2024
11/6-11/9 2023 LEE SIU HIN: China Is NOT Our Enemy (CINOE) Xinjiang Fact Finding Tour
Past China Delegation Reports
China Delegation Project
Voice of Xinjiang VoiceXJ Documentary Project

Voice of Xinjiang VoiceXJ 新疆之声 (Short Vision December 4, 2023)
Panda Aid
Panda Aid is the projects of National Immigrant Solidarity Network and China-US Solidarity Network.
We’re community-based activist-run international humanitarian aid organization, run by Chinese and the global south community activists around the World, to support emergency humanitarian relief caused by endless U.S./West-wars around the World, and economic exploitation against the global south and the inner-city people of color communities caused by the western neo-liberal capitalism, and to build international activist solidarity from China to the U.S. and the World.
Our first project, we began our Gaza emergency relief work since April, 2024; we’re working with Egypt-based community relief organizations, begin donating medicines and supplies to Gaza or Gazan refugees in Egypt.
Report from our March, 2024 Egypt Mission:
Gaza Watch Project
http://www.GazaWatch.net https://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Gaza/GazaReport/PartOne.html
YouTube: https://youtu.be/PSc-rDMxHsI
Douying (TikTok China): https://v.douyin.com/i27VXkom/
June, 2024 Egypt Medical Humanitarian Mission for Gaza:
6/14 LEE SIU HIN: Our Successful Historical Chinese Activists Humanitarian Delegation to Egypt

Photo: Sending donations to a Gazan refugee center in Cairo, Egypt
6/9 LEE SIU HIN: Our Historical Chinese Activists Delegation to organize Gaza Medical Humanitarian Mission!
6/14 LEE SIU HIN: Our Successful Historical Chinese Activists Delegation to Egypt: Panda Aid to Organize Gaza Medical Humanitarian Mission, Support Palestinians in Egypt, and to Build International Activist Solidarity Movement!
Action LA Network
http://www.ActionLA.org (New website under construction, will be launch fall, 2024)

Started in 1999 at the wake of anti-globalization movement, the network was created to organize a week of action against Democratic National Convention DNC 2000 in Los Angeles (D2K LA), for the past 20 years Action LA had involved in anti-globalization, anti-endless U.S. wars around the world, social and labor justice, internet and media campaign and much more!
This year, we’re focus on supporting July march on the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and August march on the DNC in Chicago, IL. Fight against US-NATO proxy war on Russia, Free Palestine and no US $$$$/weapons to “Israel”; No to the racism and police brutality, Yes to the living wages and money for the social needs.
In addition, we’re building a brand new ActionLA.org website, it’ll include an innovative global to local organizing tool for the activists, and open-research tools for the facts finding investigation and report writing for the publication, and a media agency call Global South News for innercity journalism and international activism reporting.
7/15: Report from July 15, Milwaukee, WI: Peoples’ March on the RNC!
Global South News Agency (coming soon)

An activist-based international community news agency
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