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The National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious, and student activist organizations from across the country. We work with leading immigrant rights, students and labor groups. In solidarity with their campaigns, and organize community immigrant rights education campaigns.

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8/10: LEE SIU HIN - China Olympic Dope Accusation: Another U$ Made Racist Sinophobia Pron Talk

China Olympic Dope Accusation: Another U$ Made Racist Sinophobia Pron Talk

李小轩 Lee Siu Hin
China-US Solidarity Network

August 10, 2024


The two weeks-long 2024 Paris Olympic comes to end, many athletes from around the World had record-breaking performances, but one of the U$-West media obsessions was medal count “competition” between Team China Vs. Team USA. Because China won many gold medals and beat Team USA on many competitions, especially on the swinging pool. It’s a victory of Chinese athletes for their hard training finally paid-off, and a normal outcome in any sports competitions.

But U.S. and the West doesn’t want to admit and accept that they’re losing to what they see as a yellow skin, psychically “inferior” Chinese player in a supposedly “whites only” sport arena.

Instead, using their corporate media proxy, like New York Times, and “official” U.S. organizations, viciously spread their made-up accusations attacking Chinese athletes are  “doping”. 

U$-West are clearly showing their racist and Sinophobic attitude, rhetoric such as : “The Chinese has been cheating”, "The Chinese can't do this", "The Chinese can't be trusted". These are racist reactions to the Olympics, and other Chinese athletes, as well as athletes from other third world countries, have also become US-west sport racism victims.

By attacking China, racism and war preparation always go hand in hand.

A U$-West-NATO campaign against China is underway, and lies and distortions of facts in many areas breed hostility and fear towards the country, its leaders and even anyone just like Chinese, as their justification to launch color-revolution, military intimidations, sanctions against Xinjiang and Chinese high-tech companies, destabilized South China Sea, arming Taiwan separatists and racist U.S. government policies against Chinese-American at home.

Activist has moral responsibility to debunk and counter against U.S. hawkish racist anti-China prom-talks; from Olympic games “doping” lies, to Xinjiang “genocide” hoax, the boughs Chinese high-tech “spies” and the unfounded COVID “origin” conspiracy theory; in order we can divert our wasteful multi-billion dollars Chinaphobia-industrial complex fundings, into spend at building our human needs at home.

By debunking the wasteful lies, we should build a meaningful and respectful China-US relationships, that the two most powerful countries in the World, can be co-exist peacefully with prosperous future for everyone in the Wolrd.


About Lee Siu Hin 李小轩
Lee Siu Hin, a Chinese-American immigrant activist from Los Angeles, CA, is the founder and national coordinator of the China-U.S. Solidarity Network (CUSN) and the National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN). He is a long-time community, labor, antiwar and immigrant rights activist for grassroots struggle. He's also a long-time Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles unpaid reporter and producer and war correspondent who has worked in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

NISN is a grassroots-based national immigrant activist network, and CUSN is a network of academic and community activists in both countries committed to building a China-U.S. grassroots activist dialogue.

Lee holds a Masters of Public Administration (MPA) and a Masters of Engineering (Aerospace) from California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, located in Pomona, CA.

He is currently working on medical IT technology for the inner-city community, and for the global south. He travels frequently between China and U.S. for the activism work.
His latest book “Capitalism on a Ventilator” was co-published with Sara Flounders in September 2020; the Chinese edition was released in January 2022. He contributed to “Sanctions: a wrecking ball in a global economy” published in December 2022 and produced the documentary “Vaccine and Sanctions” released on February, 2023. 

His second documentary “Voice of Xinjiang” still under production, a short version was released on December, 2023.


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