Lists of Workshops
Proposed Conference Schedule
Friday 7/27
5:00 PM: conference space open, tabling begin
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Community
Town Hall/Film Festival on Immigrant Rights [Free to the Public!]
Feature Film Showing: SENTENCED
Putting a human face on controversial immigration policy,
SENTENCED HOME follows three young Cambodian Americans
through the deportation process. Raised in inner city
Seattle, they pay an unbearable price for mistakes they
made as teenagers. Caught between their tragic pasts
and an uncertain future, each young man confronts a
legal system that offers no second chances. >>
Read More | Preview
* Followed by community discussion
and telephone interview with Many Uch from Seattle,
WA--one of the deportees featured in the film, and the
speaker from The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center.
Saturday 7/28
9:00 AM: Conference/tabling begins
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Morning Assembly: State of the Current
Immigrant Legislation, Where We're Going from Here
Lee Siu Hin, National Coordinator, National
Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN)
Vincenta Montoya, Immigration Lawyer, NISN Immigrant Legislation
Working Group
10:30 AM -11:45 AM Workshop Session 1
A. Immigrant Legislation 101
Lee Siu Hin, National Coordinator, National
Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN)
Vincenta Montoya, Immigration Lawyer, NISN Immigrant Legislation
Working Group
B. Immigrant Youth Activism, DREAM Act
Sueños del Barrio, New York, NY
C. Immigrants and the Antiwar Movement
Mélida & Carlos Arredondo, the
People United for Peace
11:45 AM -1:00 PM Workshop Session 2
A. Immigrant Women's Rights
Jessica Hernandez
Speaker from National Latina Institute of Reproductive Health
B. Alternative to Empire (Diverse Organizing Tactics)
Travis F. Morales, Revolution Newspaper
Danilo Lawvere, Buffalo Forum
C. Skill Workshop: Internet Activism for Immigrants' Rights
Christian Fernandez, Software Libre
Speaker from the Richmond Independent Media Center
Lee Siu Hin, National Coordinator, National Immigrant Solidarity
Network (NISN)
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch and do-it-yourself networking/issue
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Workshop Session 3
A. Immigrant Labor Activism - Justice for Smithfield Campaign
Nazey Gulec, UFCW-Justice@Smithfield Campaign
B. Asian-American Experience
Justin Reyes, NAASCon
Lee Siu Hin, National Coordinator, National Immigrant Solidarity
Many Uch, immigrant facing deport (joining phone from Seattle,
Speaker from The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center.(joining
phone from Washington DC)
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Strategy Section 1
- Student/Youth Caucus
- Labor Strategy Section
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM Report Back from strategy section/campaign
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Dinner
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Community Town Hall/Film Festival
on Immigrant Rights [Free to the Public!]
& Carlos Arredondo, the People United for Peace
Their son, Alexander, was killed in Iraq. Instead of sadness,
they actively reaches out to other families who have lost
their family members and public speaking against the war
in Iraq, and linking immigrant rights movement with peace
>> Read
More |
United Food
& Commercial Workers Union
Justice @ Smithfield
campaign Linking Immigrant Rights Movement with Labor
Film Showing: REEL BAD ARABS
REEL BAD ARABS is a groundbreaking film that dissects
a slanderous cinematic history. The films examined here
date from cinema's earliest days to contemporary Hollywood
blockbusters that feature machine-gun wielding, bomb-exploding
"evil" Arabs. >> Read
More | Preview
Sunday 7/29
9:00 AM: Conference/tabling begin
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Morning Assembly: Formulating 2007-2008
Immigrant Campaign Strategy
Moderated by: Lee Siu Hin, National Coordinator,
National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN)
10:30 AM -11:30 AM Strategy session 2
- Women's Caucus
- Interfaith Strategy Section
11:30 PM -12:30 PM Strategy section 3
- LGBTQ Caucusus
- Detention & Deportation, Sentaruraty Movement Strategy
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch and do-it-yourself networking/issue
1:30 - 4:30 PM Strategy Assembly
- Proposals: clarify questions and vote for
endorsement for the proposals.
- Based on the proposals that are passed, lay down our 6-9-month
campaign strategy and create working groups. [More
End with encouraging words and unity clap!