Yesterday We Marched, Today
We Organized, Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and
Together We Build A New National,
Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights/Civil Rights Movement!
3-Days conference
Ends With Sucessful Adoptions of National Immigrant Solidarity
Network 2007 - 2008 Strategic Immigrant Campaign Framework!
We believe our goals for
the next 16 months should be focused on building multi-ethnic,
multi-constituent, broad-based grassroots immigrant rights
movements across the country-especially in the southern states
and the rural communities. We envision this as a de-centralized
volunteer-based community-rooted immigrant rights movement
with youth, women, workers and community members playing a
more active role on campaign formulation and decision making
processes to shape and lead the movement.
Politically, we should focus LESS on Congressional
legislation for the next two years, and focus MORE on building
local coalitions, useful resources, and community-based education
campaigns, such as: know your rights training,
and local immigrant campaigns that will directly benefit communities,
such as: counter-raids, detention & deportation support
networks with useful resources; immigrant labor rights campaigns;
campaign against local anti-immigrant ordinances; and linking
the immigrant rights movement with other struggles, such as:
war in Iraq and globalization.
Based on the feedback from our members
and allies we had formulated our 2007-2008 Strategic Immigrant
Campaign Strategy during our July 27-29 National Grassroots
Immigrant Strategy Conference in Richmond, VA. This is a non-binding
resolution, that will only provide you a menu of suggested
actions that can guide and encourage your local organization
to discuss and choose which action(s) you would like to focus
on in order to organize with us:
1. Pressure Political
Candidates at 2008 Elections
2. Link Immigrant Rights
Movements with Other Struggles, and Building a Multi-ethnic,
Multi-constituent-based Immigrant Rights Movement
3. Campaign against Raids,
Detention & Deportation; and Support National Sanctuary
4. Support Immigrant Labor
Campaigns and Day Labor Centers
5. No to the Border Fence
and Militarization of the Border
6. Strategic Resources
for the Immigrant Activists
7. Support Local Grassroots
Immigrant Campaigns
8. Supports Education
Opportunities for Immigrant Youths
9. Immigrant Legislation
10. Diverse Tactics for
Immigrant Rights Campaign
>> Read
the Full Report and the Call
Immigrant Solidarity Network Points of Unity
Great Article! (7/29
Richmond-Dispatch) Conference at UR on immigrant solidarity
Photo Album
Program Highlights
Friday Night 7/27 & Saturday Night 7/28 6:00 PM
- 9:00 PM
Community Town Hall/Film Festival on Immigrant Rights
[Free to the Public!]
Speakers: Friday
Feature Film Showing:
Putting a human face on controversial immigration
policy, SENTENCED HOME follows three young Cambodian
Americans through the deportation process. Raised
in inner city Seattle, they pay an unbearable
price for mistakes they made as teenagers. Caught
between their tragic pasts and an uncertain future,
each young man confronts a legal system that offers
no second chances. >> Read
More | Preview
* Followed by community
discussion and telephone interview with Many Uch
from Seattle, WA--one of the deportees featured
in the film, and the speaker from The Southeast
Asia Resource Action Center.
Speakers: Saturday
& Carlos Arredondo, the People United for Peace
Their son, Alexander, was killed in Iraq. Instead
of sadness, they actively reaches out to other families
who have lost their family members and public speaking
against the war in Iraq, and linking immigrant rights
movement with peace activism.
>> Read
More |
Food & Commercial Workers Union
@ Smithfield campaign Linking Immigrant Rights Movement
with Labor Activism
Film Showing: REEL BAD ARABS
REEL BAD ARABS is a groundbreaking film that dissects
a slanderous cinematic history. The films examined
here date from cinema's earliest days to contemporary
Hollywood blockbusters that feature machine-gun
wielding, bomb-exploding "evil" Arabs.
>> Read More
| Preview
Conference Workshops:
National Asian American
Student Conference (NAASCon)
Virginia Poverty Law
Equality Virginia
National Latina
Institute of Reproductive Health
and more...
More on Conference Schedule
About the
1) No to anti-immigrant legislation, and
the criminalization of the immigrant communities.
2) No to militarization of the border.
3) No to the immigrant detention and deportation.
4) No to the guest worker program.
5) No to employer sanction and "no match" letters.
6) Yes to a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
7) Yes to speedy family reunification.
8) Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.
9) Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.
10) Yes to the education and LGBT immigrant legislation.
We envision this as a grassroots activist
conference of broad-based, multiethnic organizers from African
American, Native American, African immigrant, Asian American,
Latino/Latina, Arab-Muslim-North African, progressive labor,
interfaith, LGBT, student, anti-war/peace and global justice
groups from across the country. To meet face-to-face and discuss
how to build a new national, broad-based, immigrant rights/civil
rights movement, and to set a 6-9 month national strategy
for the 2007-2008.
During our 3-days conference, we'll have
over 30 workshops and plenary, the topics include: Congressional
Legislation, Militarization of the Border Immigrant Detention
and Deportation, Labor Organizing, Student/Youth Organizing,
Education & Outreach, Multi-Ethnic Organizing, Community
Support Network and Diverse Tactics to Achieve Goals.
Please come to join the movement! See
you July in Richmond, VA!
Yesterday We Marched
Today We Organized
Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and Goals!
Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
of Unity
NISN 2007
- 2008 Strategic Immigrant Campaign Proposal
4, 2007 Draft
For the past 3 months, based on the feedback
from our members, allies, National Immigrant Solidarity network
will formulate our 2007-2008 strategic immigrant campaign
strategy, to be discuss, modify and adopt during our July
27-29 National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference at
Richmond, VA as Points of Unity. your feedback and opinions
are highly welcomed, please send to:
>> Read the Draft
Past Conferences
July 28-30, 2006 Washington DC National
Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference
A Success and Milestone for the Immigrant Rights Movement!
Yesterday We Marched
Today We Organized
Tomorrow We'll Achieve Our Dreams and Goals!
The 3-day (July 28-30, 2006)
Washington DC National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference
at American University has been without doubt a success and
a milestone for the immigrant rights movement. Organized by
National Immigrant Solidarity Network, one of the leading
coalitions involved in the March 25 Los Angeles "Gran
Marcha" and the May 1st "A Day Without Immigrants"
General Strike/Boycott, there were approximately 180 people
from over 80 organizations across the country in attendance.
The conference represented
diverse groups, including Latin@s, APIs, African Americans,
African immigrants, European immigrants, LGBTQ, women, youth/students,
interfaith, peace/global justice activists, white allies,
labor, immigrant day laborers and community organizers from
two dozen states. Community/grassroots immigrant activists
from across the country met face-to-face for the first time
to discuss how to collectively build a new national, broad-based,
immigrant rights/civil rights movement.
the Full Report
August 27, 2004 New
York City NISN Immigrant-Worker Solidarity Day Of Action &
Immigrant Worker Speak Out! Citywide Conference
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