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Winter 2011
National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert!
National Immigrant Solidarity
No Immigrant Bashing! Support
Immigrant Rights!
Information about the Network: FLYER
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Chicago: (773)942-2268
Every Donation Counts!
Please Support Us!
Send check pay to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax deductible)
From Madison, WI to May Day 2011
Immigrants, Workers, Peace Activists UNITED!
In This Issue:
1) May Day 2011 Call To Action! (Pg 1 & 2)
100K+ Rally in WI (Pg 1)
VDLF Mobilizes Immigrants in WI For Worker Rights (Pg 2)
Immigrant Prosecutions Climb with Record Deportations (Pg 3)
Death in a NY Food Sweatshop (Pg 3)
Census Show Big Gains for US Minorities (Pg 4)
7) Activists reject IL anti-immigrant bill (Pg 7)
8) 2011 Activist Calendar (Pg 7)
9) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter! |
Please download our latest newsletter:
More than 100,000 Rally in Wisconsin!
Tula Connell, Wisconsin AFL-CIO. Feb 26, 2011

See the video at
On a snowy Wisconsin Saturday over 100,000 union members, working families, community members, faith leaders, activist groups and concerned citizens gathered in Madison to tell Gov. Walker to stop the attacks on the middle class and kill the bill.
Despite the weather today’s rally was the biggest in the thirteen days of protests. The people of Wisconsin will continue to fight for their rights. It is time for our elected officials to show leadership, come to the table and move Wisconsin forward.
Wisconsin’s teachers, nurses, snow plow drivers, and other public employees have agreed to Walker’s pension and health care concessions, which he said would solve the budget challenge. The Governor’s continued attacks on our state’s working families harm us all. It is now up to the Governor to be reasonable and listen to his constituents.
The whole nation has taken notice of what we are doing in Wisconsin. Today solidarity rallies were held in all fifty states, as America stands with Wisconsin.
What’s happened in our state has made the whole labor movement stronger. None of this would have been possible without the support, dedication and solidarity of both union members and non-union members who understand more than they have in a long time just how much we’re all in this together.
Madison, WI-Based Immigrant Rights Organization Voces de la Frontera Mobilizes in Wisconsin For Worker Rights!
As the largest low-wage worker and immigrant rights organization in Wisconsin, Voces de la Frontera Action stands in solidarity with the workers who are currently under attack in Wisconsin. For 12 days now, we have joined a vast array of organizations and unions around the state in fighting off Governor Walker's legislative attack on fundamental labor rights.
Voces de la Frontera Action and its youth arm YES! will be mobilizing 250 members to the State Capitol rally at 3:00pm this Saturday, February 26th. We have mobilized our base around the Madison protests, sending busloads of student and community members. Our youth arm, Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES!) comprised of a diverse group of African-American, white, and Latino students have been standing in solidarity with their teachers to defend their right to collectively bargain.
Our Executive Director Christine Neumann-Ortiz spoke last Saturday, February 19th, at the largest rally to date at the State Capitol, with a message of solidarity from Latino and immigrant workers. As she stated on Saturday, "Walker's so-called budget repair bill is like the story of the Emperor who has no clothes. It has revealed for all to see, the naked truth: Wisconsin is in the frontline in a vicious class war, and we must hold the line for all our brothers and sisters in this state and in this nation."
May Day 2011 Call To Action!
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Please send your May Day 2011 action announcements to
We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement!
Wear White T-Shirt; organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!
1. No to anti-immigrant legislation, and the criminalization of the immigrant communities.
2. No to militarization of the border.
3. No to the immigrant detention and deportation.
4. No to the guest worker program.
5. No to employer sanction and “no match” letters.
6. Yes to a path to legalization without condition for undocumented immigrants NOW.
7. Yes to speedy family reunification.
8. Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.
9. Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.
10. Yes to the education and LGBTQ immigrant legislation.
We encourages everyone to actively linking our issues with different struggles: wars in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops exploitation in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; as well as multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home—in order we can win the struggle together at this May Day 2011!
May Day United--Call to Action
National Immigrant Solidarity Network Endorses and Support Different Calls for May Day 2011 and Hope
By Doing So Will Brought More People from Different Movements to Join Together
This is a call to join a network of worker centers, community organizations, and labor unions to increase national participation and power on May Day 2011 to win good jobs, legalization, and equality for every worker. As we all know, Congress and state governments across the nation have begun to wage a relentless attack against all workers this year and in years to come, especially immigrant workers and workers of color. At the same time, the remarkable energy, turnout, and spirit seen five years ago on May 1, 2006 has yet to be duplicated.
Stagnant and falling wages, lingering unemployment, and escalating attacks on immigrant workers and the right of all workers to organize call for an outpouring of energy and action in the United States on May 1, 2011. A powerful grassroots movement can win fair-paying jobs and equality while defending against the expansion of Arizona-style racial-profiling laws, rampant firings, workplace raids, deportations, and the downward economic spiral confronting US working families. To that end, we invite you to support and participate in the May Day United network along the following principles of unity:
1) Supporting increased participation in May Day 2011 actions and supporting local groups in organizing May Day actions where they do not yet exist.
2) Encouraging workers to request May 1st off, or for workers interested in striking, providing organizing and legal support in advance of May Day as well as comprehensive solidarity in the event of retaliation.
3) Calling for- a) Jobs for all and legalization for all, b) The right to organize and true equality for every worker.
To embrace this call, please e-mail or call Jen Waller at 510-326-3652.
Immigrant Resources on Detention and Deportation
Face Sheet: Immigration Detention--Questions and Answers (Dec, 2008) by:
Thanks for GREAT works from Detention Watch Network (DWN) to compiled the following information, please visit DWN website:
ICE's Enforcement Agenda
Deal fact sheet on detention
Deal fact sheet on border
- From
Raids to Deportation-A Community Resource Kit
- Know Your Rights in the Community (English,
- Know
Your Rights in Detention
- Pre-Raid
Community Safety Plan
- Raids
to Deportation Map
- Raids
to Deportation Policy Map
More on Immigration Resource Page
Useful Handouts and Know Your Immigrant Rights When Marches
Immigrant Marches / Marchas de los Inmigrantes
Immigrants and their supporters are participating in marches all over the country to protest proposed national legislation and to seek justice for immigrants. The materials available here provide important information about the rights and risks involved for anyone who is planning to participate in the ongoing marches.
If government agents question you, it is important to understand your rights. You should be careful in the way you speak when approached by the police, FBI, or INS. If you give answers, they can be used against you in a criminal, immigration, or civil case.
The ACLU's publications below provide effective and useful guidance in several languages for many situations. The brochures apprise you of your legal rights, recommend how to preserve those rights, and provide guidance on how to interact with officials.
Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement
| Conozca Sus Derechos Frente A Los Agentes Del Orden Público
ACLU of Massachusetts - Your Rights And Responsibilities If You Are Contacted By The Authorities English | Spanish | Chinese
ACLU of Massachusetts - What to do if stopped and questioned about your immigration status on the street, the subway, or the bus
| Que hacer si Usted es interrogado en el tren o autobus acerca de su estatus inmigratorio
ACLU of South Carolina - How To Deal With A 287(g)
| Como Lidiar Con Una 287(g)
ACLU of Southern California - What to Do If Immigration Agents or Police Stop You While on Foot, in Your Car, or Come to Your Home
| Qué Hacer Si Agentes de Inmigración o la Policía lo Paran Mientras Va Caminando, lo Detienen en su Auto o Vienen a su Hogar
ACLU of Washington - Brochure for Iraqis: What to Do If the FBI or Police Contact You for Questioning English | Arabic
ACLU of Washington - Your Rights at Checkpoints at Ferry Terminals
| Sus Derechos en Puestos de Control en las Terminales de Transbordadores
Immigrant Protests - What Every Worker Should Know:
| Manifestaciones de los Inmigrantes - Lo Que Todo Trabajador Debe Saber
ACLU of Florida Brochure - The Rights of Protesters
| Los Derechos de los Manifestantes
Washington State - Student Walkouts and Political Speech at School
| Huelgas Estudiantiles y Expresión Política en las Escuelas
California Students: Public School Walk-outs and Free Speech
| Estudiantes de California: Marchas o Huelgas y La Libertad de Expresión en las Escuelas Públicas
Please Subscribe to
the US Immigration Alert Newsletter!
A Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12 issues) is $35.00
It will help us pay for the printing costs, as well as funding for the
NISN projects (additional donations to the NISN is tax deductible!)
Check pay to: NISN/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
Join Our Mailing Lists!
- Daily email update:
The National Immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv
to join, visit web:
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- Regional listservs:
Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv
send-e-mail to:
or visit:
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania areas immigrant workers information and alerts
send e-mail to: or e-mail request to:
or visit:
Virginia state-wide immigrant organizing E-mail list
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US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization
of Borders! Support Immigrant Rights!
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Immigrant Deportation and Detention Alert!
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Chicago/Midwest/Great Lake Region Immigrant List
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Please Donate to National Immigrant
Solidarity Network!
All Donations Are Tax Deductible!
Make check payable
to NISN/AFGJ and it will be tax deductible!
Send your check to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
Los Angeles, California 90048
____ $100.00 ____ $ 50.00 ____ $ 35.00 ____ Other Amount $___________
($35 or more will receive 1 year free subscriptions of
the Immigration Alert! Newsletter Print Edition)
Every Donation Counts!
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