August 27 2004 SpeakOut!
Immigrant Voting Rights Campaign
New Immigrant Community
Empowerment (NICE)
Street Vendors Struggle
Proyecto de los Trabajadore
Latino Americanos (PTLA)
Day Laborers Struggle
Casa Freehold
The War
Against The Poor
Poor People's Economic
Human Rights Campaign
Wackenhut Detainees Hunger Strike
Coney Island Avenue Project
Immigrant Detention
Grassroots Leadership TX/STOPP
Immigrants in US Politics
Erin Hawkins
Fundamental Rights
of Immigrants
African Services Committee
With music by
Nana Soul
Food Not Bombs &
Seeds of Peace
MC/DJ by Artists & Activists United for Peace
Initial Schedule for the August
27 Immigrant Workers Speak Out!
4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
setup, welcoming people, pre-discussion gathering
(just people who come early to create a space to talk)
5:00 PM
opening ceremony, introduction to the Speak Out!
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Exposeé (tabling, cultural performance
and speakers)
8:00 PM - 9:15 PM
Break out sections (workshops and meetings)
9:15 PM - 9:45 PM
Report back and Closing ceremony
9:45 PM - 10:15 PM
clean up

Justice is won by many small acts taken together...
For a monthly digest of the top 'point and click' Immigrant Rights
actions, join

For a daily email update, join
just write subscribe in the subject field and send.
The Immigrant Solidarity Network gathers from leading
Immigrant Rights sources such as the ACLU,
and other sources and creates a monthly digest -- the Bulletin --
with 'point and click' action items and information for further
distribution by local groups and individuals all over the nation.
From legislative letter-writing campaigns to speakers
bureaus and educational materials, ISN will keep your local network
in touch and ready to join the critical campaigns that are moving
toward Justice for all.
Information about the National Immigrant Solidarity
Information Sheet (Word PDF)
| Endorsement Forum (Word)
Pamphlet (Word PDF)
2004 U.S.
Immigrant Alert! Newsletter New!
In this issue:
1. August 27 2004 New York City Immigrant Workers Speak Out!
2. Updates on Civil Liberties Restoration Act (CLAR)
3. Press Release: Anti-Immigration Group is Distorting EPI Research
4. Immigration News
5. Immigration Links of the Month
6. Monthly ISN Phone Conferences
7. How to Subscribe to the Newsletter

Solidarity News
from around the nation and the world...

stories from
the ISN Archive

Useful Leagl Information
and Resources:
More information is available from the National
Lawyers Guild (NLG) 'Know
Your Rights' pamphlet , available in English, Spanish, Farsi,
Arabic, Punjabi, and Portuguese, and the American Immigration Lawyers
(AILA) Question
& Answer sheet.
Your Rights when you are questioned by the police, FBI, INS,
or any other law enforcement agents
Trainings and Wallet-Sized
Palm-Cards (Spanish, Arabic, English and Urdu) are available
from the Know Your Rights Committee of CHRI. (Backs of cards list
places to call for legal assistance,finding a lawyer, and other
You have these rights in the USA
(regardless of your immigration status!):
Say you want to see a lawyer.
You do not have to sign any paper without a lawyer
with you.
You do not have to let the police, FBI, INS or anyone
else come into your house without a "warrant" (special
paper froma judge). Tell your roommates not to let them in without
a warrant.
You do not have to answer any questions about your
Defending Immigrant Rights, a 150 page Activist
Resource Kit from Political
Research Associates outlines how to:
Understand the anti-immigrant movement
Organize against right-wing campaigns
Respond to anti-immigrant arguments
Identify important opponents and allies.
to Arabic | Translation
to most European Languages
Friday August 27, 2004
Immigrant-Worker Solidarity Day Of Action
in New York City Brings Hundreds Together
A day of immigrant workers and community activists
gathering to speak out the Issues

On the first day of the mobilization to protest
the Bush Agenda at the Republican National Convention in New York
City, 500 people attended the Speak Out! organized by the Immigrant
Solidarity Network. The program was designed to lift the voices
of grassroots Immigrant organizations and workers, raising awareness
of the many varied issues and struggles being led from within immigrant
communities themselves.
Speakers from Latino, South Asian, Muslim, Asian
and African communities came together to relate news from their
struggles. One of the goals of the conference was to bring the disparate
focuses of many groups into a forum that would emphasize unity and
promote the development of strategic action for all immigrant groups
to share in the coming years.
Another goal was to present the specific information
about "on the ground" immigrant struggles to the mostly
foriegn policy oriented activists who make up the non-immigrant
and non-people of color "left."
Many people who came to listen commented on the
value of the day and expressed an appreciation for the event, reflecting
that there is a need for this type of community and movement-building
Over 30 grassroots groups participated or endorsed
the event. Speakers and tables from these groups provided a broad
slice of the experience of Immigrants in post-911 US.
Organizers are looking forward to moving forward
in the future with the idea of a national stategy conference in
which grassroots groups from all regions of the US could meet and
develop a common stategy for increasing their political power and
securing the goals of legalization, justice and a life free from
discrimination and racism.
Immigrant Solidarity Network joined in two marches/demonstrations on Monday, August 30. The Marches - Still We Rise's Poor Peoples' March and the Poor Peoples' Economic Human Rights Campaign March For Our Lives - focused on redressing injustices and the negative domestic effects of US policies that have spread war and neo-liberal colonialism around the world.
Photos from the Aug 27 Speak Out!
Demands expressed for Immigrants
Rights at the Aug 27 Speak Out included:
Voting Rights for Immigrants
Widely practiced during the first 150 years
of U.S. history, immigrant voting is now undergoing a revival across
the United States as communities embrace the idea of universal enfranchisement.
In more than 20 countries in Europe, immigrants already have voting
rights, which they have held for decades. New York City is now home
to 1,361,007 immigrants of voting age who are not yet citizens.
That means one 1of 5 New Yorkers of voting age can't vote. These
city residents are subject to all the laws that citizens must observe.
They contribute in countless ways to the economic vitality and social
and cultural life of this city that serves as the unofficial capital
of the world.
No to the Future Special Registration and Immigrant
Although declared ended by the
Bush administration, according from the National Immigration Forum
the special registration didnt end and it can come back anytime
the government wants it to. The "call-in" provisions of
the INS Special Registration program require innocent immigrants
to report to INS offices to register, only to find themselves
subjecedt to arbitrary arrest, detention, abuse and possible deportation.
Oppose the CLEAR Act
This bill requires state and local police
to enforce federal, civil immigration laws. Using local police to
enforce federal immigration laws conflicts with their primary mission
of fighting crime in our communities. Under CLEAR, Domestic violence,
gang intimidation and drug activity will likely all increase because
when immigrants begin to see local police as agents of the federal
government, with the power to deport them or their family members,
they are less likely to approach local law enforcement with tips
on crimes or suspicious activity.
Support the DREAM Act
Many undocumented students find colleges and
university doors closed to them because of their immigration status
after graduation. These are longtime residents of this country who
have grown up and have made the United States their home. Thus,
many students are forced to abandon their dreams and hopes of a
career. By supporting the DREAM Act, we are investing in communities
that would eventually benefit from the careers that these students
are pursuing. Our communities cannot afford to be ignoring these
students anymore!
Contact Information for Selected Participating/Endorsing
New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE)
71-34 Roosevelt Ave. (Lower Level)
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Tel: (718)205-8796
Still We Rise Coalition
Tel: (718)802-0678
Web: http://
Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
PO Box 50678 Philadelphia, PA 19132
Tel: (888)233-1948
Proyecto de los Trabajadores Latino Americanos
Tel: (718)628-6222
Coney Island Avenue Project
718 859-0238 or 917 440-9002
Casa Freehold
732 492-4766
African Services Committee
429 West 127th Street, New York, NY 10027
Tel: (212)222-3882
Asociación Tepayac
251 West 14th Street, New York, NY 10011
Tel: (212)568-6616
New York City AIDS Housing Network
80A Fourth Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tel: (718)802-9540
Web: http://
Artists & Activists United for Peace (AAUP)
Tel: (212)545-4178
New York Legal Aid Society
199 Water Street
New York, NY 10038
Tel: 212 577-3300
Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10012
Tel: (212)614-6470
International Action Center (IAC)
39 West 14th St. Rm. 206, New York, NY 10011
Tel: (212)633-6646
Campaign for Labor Rights/Nicaragua Network
1247 E St. SE Washington DC 20003
Tel: (202)544-9355
Center for Immigrant Families
Tel: (212)531-3011
Special thanks to all of the above and more
for whom we are lacking contact information, but to whom we are
indebted for their important contributions to the Speak Out. And
special thanks to St Mark's Church,
Rev. Frank Morales, Sean, Jimmy, Tylon, Shawana, Shirley, Marc,
Arif, Tom, Pamela and Alice for their
help and support.
Call to Action
Friday August 27, the day before the RNC Mobilization
in New York City we call for a day of immigrant workers and community
activists to put minds together and declare: No
Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant
Rights! No To Sweatshops! End
The Racism On The Community!
National Immigrant Solidarity Network and
community, immigrant, human rights and student activist organizations
will come together to call August 27 The Immigrant Worker Day of
Action and Speak Out as a part of upcoming counter Republican National
Convention Mobilization at New York City, August 29 to September
We hope the Speak Out! can
achieve a bourgeoning unity among community activists for a campaign
strategy on immigrant-labor issues. We need to strengthen the anti-sweatshop
campaigns, and the fight against racism. We will further the understanding
on how to build a sustainable community campaign for the alternative
to state and corporate causing poverty and refugees.
We want people and organizations
participating in the Speak Out! help build the national structure
for national campaign strategies.
We also hope the Speak Out!
can be a model for the anti-globalization movement by creating a
the new direction for joining international campaigns with community
campaigns, to work with immigrant and student-labor organizations
to support domestic immigrant rights campaigns from Mexico, Central
and South Americas; and to link local issues to the anti-sweatshops
and anti-globalization movements.
We will take back our communities.