Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly Digest
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Fall 2024
U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter

In this issue:

1) RNC and DNC: Two versions of anti-migrant policies (Pg 1)

2) Migrant crossings at the US’ southern border drop again amid campaign year scrutiny (Pg 3)

3) Death of Chinese-American scientist a wake-up call for US’ extreme science policies (Pg 4)

6) Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter! (Pg 6)

Past Issues

Summer 24

Spring 24

Winter 23

Fall 23

Summer 23

Spring 23

Winter 22

Fall 22

Summer 22

Spring 22

Winter 21

Fall 21

Summer 21

Spring 21

Winter 20

Fall 20

Summer 20

Spring 20

Winter 19

Fall 19

Summer 19

Spring 19

Winter 18

Fall 18

Summer 18

Spring 18

Winter 17

Fall 17

Summer 17

Spring 17

Winter 16

Fall 16

Summer 16

Spring 16

Winter 15

Fall 15

Summer 15

Spring 15

Winter 14

Fall 14

Summer 14

Spring 14

Winter 13

Fall 13

Summer 13

Spring 13

Fall 12

Summer 12

Spring 12

November 11

Fall 11

Summer 11

Winter 11

Oct-Nov 10

Fall 10

Spring 10

Sep-Oct 09

May-June 09

March-April 09

Jan-Feb 09

Nov-Dec 08

May-June 08

January 08

November 07

September - October 07

July - August 07

May-June 07

February - March 07

January 07

December 06

November 06

October 06

September 06

August 06

March 06

February 06

January 06

November 05

October 05

September 05

July-August 05

June 05

May 05

April 05

Feb 05

Jan 05

Oct-Nov 04

June 04

March 04

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Tel: (626)394-0710

The National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a coalition of immigrant rights, labor, human rights, religious, and student activist organizations from across the country. We work with leading immigrant rights, students and labor groups. In solidarity with their campaigns, and organize community immigrant rights education campaigns.

From legislative letter-writing campaigns to speaker bureaus and educational materials, we organize critical immigrant-worker campaigns that are moving toward justice for all immigrants!

STOP THE DEPORTATIONS |  SPECIAL REGISTRATION: Not Over Yet  |  OPPOSE THE CLEAR ACT: Write to Congress  |  SEVIS Stop the Surveillance of Innocent Students 

Appeal for Donations!

Please support the Important Work of National Immigrant Solidarity Network!

Send check pay to:

Mail to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751

Donate On-Line:

(All donations are tax deductible)

Information about the National Immigrant Solidarity network Pamphlet (PDF)

See our Flyers Page to download flyers

Please Support Immigrant Solidarity Network!

Every Donation Counts!

Send check pay to: National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751 South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax deductible)

Critical Fund-Raising Appeal for Our Work on Immigrant Workers Rights, Social, Racial, LGBTQI+ & Economic Justice

Latest Immigrant News from Across the Country

3/19 Why we should make May Day ‘Workers for Palestinian Resistance Day’

5/19: UT-Austin Lecturer Arrested and Fired After Confrontation With Police at Pro-Palestinian Demonstration

6/4: Voces de la Frontera Action Condemns Biden’s New Border and Asylum Cap

7/15: Report from July 15, Milwaukee, WI: Peoples’ March on the RNC!!

8/10: LEE SIU HIN - China Olympic Dope Accusation: Another U$ Made Racist Sinophobia Pron Talk

9/4: Death of Chinese-American scientist a wake-up call for US’ extreme science policies’

9/5 RNC and DNC: Two versions of anti-migrant policies

9/30: Migrant crossings at the US’ southern border drop again amid campaign year scrutiny

  More Past News..

Please Read!

Fall 2024 Immigrant News Summary

Fall 2024 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter

RNC and DNC: Two versions of anti-migrant policies

9/5 RNC and DNC: Two versions of anti-migrant policies

Otis Grotewohl – Workers World

The Republican National Convention, held in Milwaukee in July, was a blatant display of white supremacy and fascistic demagoguery regarding migrants. The Democratic National Convention, held in Chicago in August with a more inclusive and “progressive” façade, nevertheless presented a program that restricted the rights of migrants....

Read More:

9/30: Migrant crossings at the US’ southern border drop again amid campaign year scrutiny

Priscilla Alvarez - CNN

Migrant crossings at the US-Mexico border remain at their lowest levels since 2020, according to new federal data obtained by CNN, as Republicans and Democrats spar over border security.

Immigration remains among the top issues for voters and former President Donald Trump has made it a cornerstone of his campaign, pinning blame on Vice President Kamala Harris over the handling of the US-Mexico border and frequently turning to the issue on the campaign trail....

Read More:

Fall 2024 Immigrant News Summary

By National Immigrant Solidarity Network


Please join our National Immigrant Solidarity Network E-mail Lists

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Once-a-month immigrant e-mail digest

Asian American labor activism alert!

Chicago/Midwest/Great Lake area immigrant workers information and alerts

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania area immigrant workers information and alerts

Virginia and Southeast immigrant organizing e-mail list

Immigrant detention and deportation alert!

May Day national organizing e-mail list



Past and Recent National Immigrant Solidarity Network Campaigns

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
4th National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference
& Immigrant Rights Film Festival

April 10-12, 2009 Chicago, IL

Stop Immigrant Raids! Support Immigrant Workers Rights!
Together We Build A New Immigrant Rights Movement!

Successful Ending! Together We Build A New Immigrant Workers Rights and Justice Movements of 2009!

NISN Conf2
NISN Conf1

Conference Report, Campaign Proposals

National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) is a grassroots, broad-based, multiethnic coalition of community, immigrant, labor, human rights and student activist groups, founded in 2002 in response to the urgent needs for the national coalition to fight immigrant bashing, support immigrant rights, no to the sweatshops exploitation and end to the racism on the community! We also actively linking our issues with different struggles: wars in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops exploitation in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; as well as multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home—in order we can win the struggle together.

Between April 10-12, 2009 on Chicago, IL; over 110 organizers, activists and community members from African American, Native American, African immigrant, European Immigrant, Asian American, Latino/Latina, Arab-Muslim-North African, progressive labor, interfaith, LGBT, student, anti-war/peace and global justice groups from across the country. To meet face-to-face at to discuss how to build a new national, broad-based, immigrant rights/civil rights movement, and to set our 2009-2010 national grassroots immigrant campaign strategy.

We agrees together we’ll focus on building all multi-ethnic, multi-constituent, broad-based grassroots immigrant rights movements run by de-centralized volunteer-based community-rooted immigrant rights activists from youth, workers and community members who can play more active role on campaign formulation and decision making for local coalition building to organize popular education campaigns, such as: campaign to against immigrant dentition, deportation & raids; immigrant labor rights movement; campaign against local anti-immigrant ordinance; comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) and linking the immigrant rights movement with other struggles, such as: anti-war and anti-globalization movements.

We welcomes our new steering committee member Alex Franco from Movement for Unconditional Amnesty, Philadelphia, PA.

We'll also discuss the lessons from the 2008 election and what we should expect from the new President and the Congress affecting immigrant legislation for the next two years.

We acknowledges that different people from different organizations, backgrounds have different believes on how to achieve the justice and better future for the tens of millions of immigrants across the country, and how immigrant rights movements can link to the broader peace and justice movements.

We had agreements, we have difference and even heated debates; after three days conference, at Sunday April 12th based on the feedbacks and proposals submitted to the conference, we had draft our new points of unity and strategic immigrant campaign proposals.

For those didn’t able to come, we welcome your feedback and any suggestions of additions/modifications to or no later then Friday April 24, 2009.

For more information, please visit: 
Phone: (773)942-2268


May Day 2008

May Day 2008 International Workers Day and Immigrant Mobilization Report!!

Print Report (PDF Format)

July 27-29, 2007 NISN National Grassroots Immigrant
Strategy Conference
University of Richmond, Richmond School of Law
Richmond, VA

3-Days conference Ends With Sucessful Adoptions of National Immigrant Solidarity Network 2007 - 2008 Strategic Immigrant Campaign Framework!

Based on the feedback from our members and allies we had formulated our 2007-2008 Strategic Immigrant Campaign Strategy during our July 27-29 National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference in Richmond, VA. This is a non-binding resolution, that will only provide you a menu of suggested actions that can guide and encourage your local organization to discuss and choose which action(s) you would like to focus on in order to organize with us:

>> Read the Full Report and the Call

National Immigrant Solidarity Network Points of Unity

Great Article! (7/29 Richmond-Dispatch) Conference at UR on immigrant solidarity

Conference Photo Album

Jan 29, 2007 Washigton D.C. Congressional Lobby
and National Call-In Day for Immigrant Rights

Organized by: National Immigrant Solidarity Network

On Monday, January 29, a group of us, representatives from San Francisco La Raza Legal Centro, National Organization of Women, veterans and I met with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's staff on immigration and present our open letter and exchanges ideas on the immigration issues. In addition, thank you for everyone who had visited and call your representatives at the Call-In day, at dozen states. >> Read the Congressional Lobby Day Report

More Details | More Information About the Open Letter | Endorse the Letter


May Day 2006 - We Have Made History!

Ten Millions Across the Country Take to the Streets to Demand Immigrant Rights!

Today was one of the most important days in U.S. history: ten millions of immigrants, activists and allies in over 200 cities from across the country chose to skip work, school, and the normal daily routine to participate in "A Day Without Immigrants." We held a national boycott, general strikes, rallies and symbolic actions in order to demand basic rights for all immigrants, and to build a new multi-ethnic united civil rights movement for the 21st century!

Report from Spirng 2006 Immigrant Mobilizations

Past Campaigns and Issues

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