Winter 2022 National Immigrant
Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert!
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support
Immigrant Rights!
Information about the Network: FLYER
Tel: (626)394-0710
Every Donation Counts!
Please Support Us!
Send check pay to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax deductible)

Racist Hate and Migrantphobia Continues Under Biden |
In This Issue:
1) A record number of migrants have died crossing the US-Mexico border (Pg 1)
2) The Blame Game: How Political Rhetoric Inflames Anti-Asian Scapegoating (Pg 2)
3) Migrants sent to Martha's Vineyard file class action lawsuit against Florida officials (Pg 3)
4) A Group of Former Trump Aides Is Behind Racist and False Anti-Immigrant Ads (Pg 3)
5) On Governor Greg Abbott's Third Term in Texas and What's In Store for the Border: A Q&A With Marianna Treviño Wright (Pg 4)
6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter! (Pg 8)
Please download
our latest newsletter: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Winter22.pdf
9/7: A record number of migrants have died crossing the US-Mexico border
Priscilla Alvarez, CNN
Nearly 750 migrants have died at the southern border this fiscal year, a record that surpasses last year's total by more than 200 people, according to Department of Homeland Security figures shared with CNN.
Migrants often face treacherous terrain when crossing the border -- including oppressive desert heat, dangerous waters and falling from the border wall.
Since October 1, which marks the start of the fiscal year, there have been 748 deaths, a Homeland Security official told CNN, with a month still left to go in the fiscal year. That's up from 557 southwest border deaths during fiscal year 2021, the previous record.....
Link to the Article:
11/15: On Governor Greg Abbott's Third Term in Texas and What's In Store for the Border: A Q&A With Marianna Treviño Wright
When it Comes to Heavy-Handed Border Enforcement, the Executive Director of the National Butterfly Center Has Seen it All.
Melissa del Bosque - The Border Chronicle
The mid-term election was called for Democrat Katie Hobbs as the new governor of Arizona. This is good news for the border and the country. As The Border Chronicle reported throughout the campaign, Hobb’s Republican competitor Kari Lake amplified the racist great replacement theory, portrayed the border as under invasion, and promoted the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.
With Hobb’s win, the U.S.-Mexico border, with the exception of Texas, will be led by Democrats. Hobbs is advocating for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for Dreamers. In New Mexico and California, the Democratic incumbents Michelle Lujan Grisham (New Mexico) and Gavin Newsom (California) won reelection and have advocated for similar measures, which bodes well for border communities.
But the border hawks and invasion cheerleaders aren’t going away. Hobbs won by a slender margin of just one percentage point, and Lake will not fade willingly from the public eye.....
Link to the Article:
Part One: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0902
Part Two: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0903
Part Three: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0904
12/10: Sanctions Kill Webinar to Launch Our New Book!
+ National Speaking Tour! I'll be Speaking!
A discussion with authors of several chapters of the recently published challenge to U.S. sanctions on more than 40 countries is being organized in several cities.
Dec. 6, Tuesday at 7:30pm: Philadelphia, PA - Calvary Church, Community Room - 801 S 48th Street.
Dec. 7, Wednesday at 3:30pm: South Bronx, NY - Hostos Community College, Social Justice Day event, a discussion with student activists clubs and with history / sociology classes.
Dec. 10 Saturday: International Webinar at 1pm ET, 10am PT, 6pm /18 hr GMT
Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BtyEl6xTRSKbJMcM40bFDQ
Dec. 13, Tuesday at 6:30pm: Manhattan, NYC, The People Forum 320 W 37th St, NY, NY
Dec. 14, Wednesday at 7:00 pm Buffalo, NY, at Burning Books Bookstore, 420 Connecticut St.
Dec. 15 Thursday at 6:30 pm Berkeley, CA at East Bay Media Center 1939 Addison St.
If you are interested in organizing an event in your area please send a message to info@sanctionskill.org
For more information: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0905
More Recent Immigrant Justice News..
9/21: Migrants sent to Martha's Vineyard file class action lawsuit against Florida officials
10/12: The Blame Game: How Political Rhetoric Inflames Anti-Asian Scapegoating
10/22: A Group of Former Trump Aides Is Behind Racist and False Anti-Immigrant Ads
Immigrant Resources on Detention and Deportation
Useful Handouts and Know Your Immigrant Rights When Marches
Immigrant Marches / Marchas de los Inmigrantes
Immigrants and their supporters are participating in marches all over the country to protest proposed national legislation and to seek justice for immigrants. The materials available here provide important information about the rights and risks involved for anyone who is planning to participate in the ongoing marches.
If government agents question you, it is important to understand your rights. You should be careful in the way you speak when approached by the police, FBI, or INS. If you give answers, they can be used against you in a criminal, immigration, or civil case.
The ACLU's publications below provide effective and useful guidance in several languages for many situations. The brochures apprise you of your legal rights, recommend how to preserve those rights, and provide guidance on how to interact with officials.
Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement
| Conozca Sus Derechos Frente A Los Agentes Del Orden Público
ACLU of Massachusetts - Your Rights And Responsibilities If You Are Contacted By The Authorities English | Spanish | Chinese
ACLU of Massachusetts - What to do if stopped and questioned about your immigration status on the street, the subway, or the bus
| Que hacer si Usted es interrogado en el tren o autobus acerca de su estatus inmigratorio
ACLU of South Carolina - How To Deal With A 287(g)
| Como Lidiar Con Una 287(g)
ACLU of Southern California - What to Do If Immigration Agents or Police Stop You While on Foot, in Your Car, or Come to Your Home
| Qué Hacer Si Agentes de Inmigración o la Policía lo Paran Mientras Va Caminando, lo Detienen en su Auto o Vienen a su Hogar
ACLU of Washington - Brochure for Iraqis: What to Do If the FBI or Police Contact You for Questioning English | Arabic
ACLU of Washington - Your Rights at Checkpoints at Ferry Terminals
| Sus Derechos en Puestos de Control en las Terminales de Transbordadores
Immigrant Protests - What Every Worker Should Know:
| Manifestaciones de los Inmigrantes - Lo Que Todo Trabajador Debe Saber
ACLU of Florida Brochure - The Rights of Protesters
| Los Derechos de los Manifestantes
Washington State - Student Walkouts and Political Speech at School
| Huelgas Estudiantiles y Expresión Política en las Escuelas
California Students: Public School Walk-outs and Free Speech
| Estudiantes de California: Marchas o Huelgas y La Libertad de Expresión en las Escuelas Públicas
Please Subscribe to
the US Immigration Alert Newsletter!
A Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12 issues) is $35.00
It will help us pay for the printing costs, as well as funding for the
NISN projects (additional donations to the NISN is tax deductible!)
Check pay to: NISN/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
Join Our Mailing Lists!
- Daily email update:
The National Immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv
to join, visit web: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn
or send e-mail to: isn-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
Once-a-month immigrant e-mail digest
send e-mail to: isn-digest-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
or visit: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn-digest
- Regional listservs:
Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv
send-e-mail to: api-la-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
or visit: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania areas immigrant workers information and alerts
send e-mail to: nyc-immigrantalert-subscribe@lists.riseup.net or e-mail request to: info@immigrantsolidarity.org
or visit: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert
Virginia state-wide immigrant organizing E-mail list
send- e-mail to: va-immigrantrights-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
or visit: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/va-immigrantrights
US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization
of Borders! Support Immigrant Rights!
send e-mail to: (Coming soon again!)
or visit:
Immigrant Detention and Deportation Alert!
send- e-mail to: isn-immigrantdetention-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
or visit: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn-immigrantdetention
Chicago/Midwest/Great Lake Region Immigrant List
send e-mail to: chicago-immigrantrights@lists.riseup.net
or visit: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/chicago-immigrantrights
May Day national organizing e-mail list
send e-mail to: mayday2017-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
or visit: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/MayDay2017
Please Donate to National Immigrant
Solidarity Network!
All Donations Are Tax Deductible!
Make check payable
to NISN/AFGJ and it will be tax deductible!
Send your check to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
Los Angeles, California 90048
____ $100.00 ____ $ 50.00 ____ $ 35.00 ____ Other Amount $___________
($35 or more will receive 1 year free subscriptions of
the Immigration Alert! Newsletter Print Edition)
Donate On-Line: https://afgj.salsalabs.org/actionla/index.html

Every Donation Counts!
Please Support Us!
