







China Delegation

Project of China-US Solidarity Network



June 20-30/2024: The Successful Ten-Days US Activist Youth Delegation to China, organized by China-US Solidarity Network!

July 3rd, 2024

Lee Siu Hin 李小轩
China-US Solidarity Network

Photo: Youth Delegation at the site of the first national convention of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Shanghai, China June 23, 2024


YouTube: https://youtu.be/r8Rf2PkU9uw

Douying (TikTok China): https://v.douyin.com/i648FVSF/

Report: Chinese English


Journey to China 2021: My China Activism Factfinding & Medical Solidarity Working Trip


September-October, 2019 US Activist to China Delegation: Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing and Witness the 10/1 China’s National Day! (12 Days, 9/24-10/4, 2019)  

Price: $1550USD (Plus US-China Round Trip Cost)

A 12-days US activists to China solidarity delegation, going to Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing, will witness the dynamic county and celebrate the 70th Anniversary of People’s Republic of China (October 1st), the tour starts 9/24 at Shanghai, meeting with activists and city tour, then high-speed train to Nanjing for history tour. Finally arriving Beijing at Sep 29th for official and activist meetings, joining their Oct 1st China national day celebration, and Beijing tour.

* China Delegation is organized by China-US Solidarity Network and National Immigrant Solidarity Networt, all proceeding will fund to support the organizing work for China-US dialogues, and immigrant community organizing.

Tour information and the itinerary Flyer (Coming Soon!)

Price: $1550USD (Plus US-China Airfare)


Please Join Our Delegation!

9/24 Tuesday Arriving Shanghai airport
9/25 Wednesday Shanghai Museum, Street walks, The Bund
2/26 Thursday Shanghai activist meeting
9/27 Friday Shanghai city walk, Shanghai-Nanjing High-Speed train, arriving Nanjing
9/28 Saturday Nanjing former ROC Presidential Palace, Nanjing Museum, Old Town
9/29 Sunday Nanjing-Beijing High-Speed train, arriving Beijing
9/30 Monday Beijing Friendship Association Meeting, city walk
9/31 Tuesday Beijing National Day Celebrations
10/1 Wednesday Beijing National Day Celebrations
10/2 Thursday Beijing tour, Tian An Men Square, Forbidden City
10/3 Wednesday Beijing tour, Ming Tomb, Great Wall
10/4 Thursday Beijing, End of the tour, leaving from Beijing airport

* Includes: Inside China, hotel, transportation, 3 meals, tour guide and tour packets


About China Activist Delegation

China has a rich and dynamic cultural, political and revolutionary history.  Unfortunately, most Americans know very little beyond what they hear and read in the corporate-controlled media.  This is mainly due to the ongoing Cold War, and the absence of information on China in the U.S. educational curricula. During the 2016 presidential election both Trump and Clinton were highly critical of China. It seems likely that U.S.-China relations will greatly suffer greatly. 

We hope that you will join our upcoming delegation to China, organized by a major U.S.-based activist organization we will explore historic, cultural, social, political and economic aspects of China. Our goal is to help promote a deeper understanding and to realize the importance of U.S.-China relations to the US and the world. We will explore Chinese history including the Opium Wars, anti- imperialist struggles, WWII, and the Chinese Revolution led by the Communist Party. We will be visiting revolutionary museums and meeting with a wide variety of people, including middle-class Chinese, expatriates, NGO workers, officials, activists, workers, farmers, students, scholars, and others.  We will be learning about Chinese society, history, culture, economics, and politics.

Past Delegations

China: Pearl River Delta Region - Shenzhen, Dongguan, Hong Kong
Labor, Globalization, Migrant Workers, with Celebrate New Year at Hong Kong!  (11 Days)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017 – Friday, January 5, 2018


November 8-18, 2017 Chinese Activist Delegation to U.S.
A report back: meetings, what they saw, dialogues with U.S. activists, and finally, what we can learn from each other

Article: English Chinese

Pictures Videos

June 30- July 9, 2017 Delegation
China: Understand Chinese Society, History, Culture, Economic and Politics (10 Days) Photo Album
Article: Historic U.S. Activists Delegation to China




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China Delegation is the projects of National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) and Action LA Network
Fiscal sponsorships of Alliance for Global Justice