








High-Speed Train (From Beijing South to Shanghai Hongqiao station)

Shenzhen, Dongguan, Pearl River Delta Region

Hong Kong

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Past Delegation Reports

November 8-18, 2017 Chinese Activist Delegation to U.S.
A report back: meetings, what they saw, dialogues with U.S. activists, and finally, what we can learn from each other

Article: English Chinese

Pictures Videos

June 30- July 9, 2017 Delegation
China: Understand Chinese Society, History, Culture, Economic and Politics (10 Days) Photo Album
Article: Historic U.S. Activists Delegation to China


History of the Communist Party of China


The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a great Marxist political party. It is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, and the leading core of the Chinese people of all nationalities. Since its founding in 1921, the CPC has traveled a glorious path of struggle for the liberation of China and the happiness of the people, as well as the progressive cause of mankind.

For eighty-one years, the CPC has led the Chinese people through hard and tortuous struggles which gained the great victory of the new democratic revolution, the socialist transformation and the socialist construction. For eighty-one years, the Party has combined the universal truths of the Marxism-Leninism with the practical situation of the Chinese revolution and construction. For eighty-one years, the Party has continuously strengthened itself by summing up experience and correcting its own mistakes....


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China Delegation is the projects of National Immigrant Solidarity Network (NISN) and Action LA Network
Fiscal sponsorships of Alliance for Global Justice