Spring 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert!

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

URL: http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org
e-mail: Info@ImmigrantSolidarity.org

Information about the Network: FLYER

Tel: (626)394-0710

Every Donation Counts! Please Support Us!

Send check pay to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax deductible)

(Alert! Our online donation system has been shut down by right wings, more updates will follow)

Spring 2023 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter
Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network

Please Download Our Newsletter: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Spring23.pdf

[Requires Adobe Acrobat, to download, go: http://www.adobe.com]


Under Biden Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S., Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in the U.S. are the Direct Result of Washington’s Foreign Policy

In This Issue:

1) A record number of migrants have died crossing the US-Mexico border (Pg 1)

2) Italy migrant boat shipwreck: More than 100 people feared dead (Pg 2)

3) Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. (Pg 3)

4) Anti-Asian hate crimes in the US are the direct result of Washington’s foreign policy (Pg 10)

5) After being falsely accused of spying for China, Sherry Chen wins significant settlement (Pg 12)

6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter! (Pg 14)


Please download our latest newsletter: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Spring23.pdf

1/28: Anti-Asian hate crimes in the US are the direct result of Washington’s foreign policy

Bradley Blankenship - Russia Today

The racist stabbing attack in Bloomington is what you get when politicians try to out-hawk each other on China.....

Link to the Article:


2/25: Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S.

Arriving in record numbers, they’re ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom.

Hannah Dreier and Photographs By Kirsten Luce - New York Times

Hannah traveled to Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia for this story and spoke to more than 100 migrant child workers in 20 states.

It was almost midnight in Grand Rapids, Mich., but inside the factory everything was bright. A conveyor belt carried bags of Cheerios past a cluster of young workers. One was 15-year-old Carolina Yoc, who came to the United States on her own last year to live with a relative she had never met.

About every 10 seconds, she stuffed a sealed plastic bag of cereal into a passing yellow carton. It could be dangerous work, with fast-moving pulleys and gears that had torn off fingers and ripped open a woman’s scalp.

The factory was full of underage workers like Carolina, who had crossed the Southern border by themselves and were now spending late hours bent over hazardous machinery, in violation of child labor laws. At nearby plants, other children were tending giant ovens to make Chewy and Nature Valley granola bars and packing bags of Lucky Charms and Cheetos — all of them working for the processing giant Hearthside Food Solutions, which would ship these products around the country.....

Link to the Article:

Part One: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0879

Part Two: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0887

Part Three: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0896

Part Four: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0900

3/24: Bronx parents and teachers protest AOC military recruitment fair

Workers World New York bureau

Dozens of Bronx public school parents, teachers, students and community activists gathered on March 20, the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, to oppose a military recruitment fair, hosted by U.S. House Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Adriano Espaillat, at Renaissance High School in the Bronx. The grassroots Bronx Anti-War Coalition organized the demonstration.....

Link to the Article: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/cgi-bin/datacgi/database.cgi?file=Issues&report=SingleArticle&ArticleID=0906


"Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin


A 61-minute joint China-U.S. production, written and directed by Chinese-American community activist Lee Siu Hin; a new documentary based on our two books “Capitalism on a Ventilator” and “SANCTIONS: A Wrecking ball in a Global Economy”. A production of China-US Solidarity Network, with AiXSiXiang from China and International Action Center from U.S.

The film interviewed Sara Flounders, Margaret Flowers and Lee Siu Hin on U.S. failure to fight against the pandemic, how U.S-led vaccine imperialism and sanctions had blocked the life–saving vaccines to billions of people around the World. When “Capitalism on a Ventilator” was published in September 2020, it was immediately banned by the American online retailer Amazon; it was not until March 2021 that after the Chinese media reported the censorship, Amazon backed-off and put the book back to their site within 24 hours.

In addition, the film included different authors from the "Sanctions" book, to discuss the negative impact of US sanctions on different countries in the world, they criticize the U.S.-led Western power imposing sanctions on more than 40 countries with one-third of the population around the world, resulting in a serious global humanitarian crisis . And activists demand we can learn from China’s successful fight against the COVID, and their vaccine diplomacy, international solidarity that had benefited hundreds of millions of people across the World.

This documentary does not accept any government or corporate sponsorship; it’s entirely a grassroots initiative, with self-funded out-of-the pocket, and passing the bucket donations from all over the world; and the generous helps from friends to complete the production. Most of the documentary was filmed on my personal broken but durable Huawei Pad, which is currently not available for sale in the US due to sanctions.

Vaccine and Sanctions Reader

Chinese: https://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/VaccineAndSanctions/VaccineandSanctionsReader-Final-Chinese02172023.pdf

English: https://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/VaccineAndSanctions/VaccineandSanctionsReader-Final-English02172023.pdf

Spanish: https://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/VaccineAndSanctions/VaccineandSanctionsReader-Final-Spanish02172023.pdf

Vacunas y Sanciones (2/16/2023)
Un diálogo entre los activistas comunitarios
de China y EE.UU.

Un documental de producción conjunta China-EE.UU.
Red de Solidaridad China-EE.UU.
Centro de Acción Internacional

hace 3 años
alguien creería que una enfermedad
podría matar a más de un millón de personas en Estados Unidos
y unos millones más en todo el mundo

hace 3 años
alguien creería
que la respuesta anti-COVID de los Estados Unidos
podría ser un fracaso total
y que el país
se negaría a compartir sus vacunas
con los países en desarrollo de todo el mundo


Vaccine and Sanctions Video

Chinese/English Substitute


Spanish/English Substitute


Preview with Chinese/English Substitute



For more information:

"Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin

Vaccine and Sanctions Reader Spanish Edition - Vacunas y Sanciones Un documental de producción conjunta China-EE.UU Directed by Lee Siu Hin 李小轩



More Recent Immigrant Justice News..

2/28: Italy migrant boat shipwreck: More than 100 people feared dead

Please download our latest newsletter: http://www.immigrantsolidarity.org/Newsletter/Spring23.pdf


Past National Immigrant Solidarity Netowrk Newsletters

Spring 2022 | Summer 2022 | Fall2022 | Winter 2022 |

Spring 2021 | Summer 2021 | Fall2021 | Winter 2021 |

Spring 2020 | Summer 2020 | Fall2020 | Winter 2020 |

Spring 2019 | Summer 2019 | Fall2019Winter 2019 |

Spring 2018 | Summer2018Fall2018Winter 2018 |

Spring 2017 | Summer2017 | Fall 2017 | Winter 2017 |

Spring 2016 | Summer 2016 | Fall 2016 | Winter 2016 |

Spring 2015 | Summer 2015 | Fall 2015 | Winter 2015 |

Spring 2014 | Summer 2014 | Fall 2014 | Winter 2014 |

Spring 2013 | Summer 2013 | Fall 2013 | Winter 2013 |

Fall 2012 |Spring 2012 | Summer 2012 |

Winter 2011 | Summer 2011 | Fall 2011 | November 2011 | Spring 2011 |

September - October 2009 | Spring 2010 | Fall 2010 | October-Novermber 10

May - June 2009 | March - April 2009 | January - February 2009 | November - December 2008


Useful Immigrant Resources on Detention and Deportation


Useful Handouts and Know Your Immigrant Rights When Marches
Immigrant Marches / Marchas de los Inmigrantes

Immigrants and their supporters are participating in marches all over the country to protest proposed national legislation and to seek justice for immigrants. The materials available here provide important information about the rights and risks involved for anyone who is planning to participate in the ongoing marches.

If government agents question you, it is important to understand your rights. You should be careful in the way you speak when approached by the police, FBI, or INS. If you give answers, they can be used against you in a criminal, immigration, or civil case.

The ACLU's publications below provide effective and useful guidance in several languages for many situations. The brochures apprise you of your legal rights, recommend how to preserve those rights, and provide guidance on how to interact with officials.

Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement
| Conozca Sus Derechos Frente A Los Agentes Del Orden Público

ACLU of Massachusetts - Your Rights And Responsibilities If You Are Contacted By The Authorities English | Spanish | Chinese

ACLU of Massachusetts - What to do if stopped and questioned about your immigration status on the street, the subway, or the bus
| Que hacer si Usted es interrogado en el tren o autobus acerca de su estatus inmigratorio

ACLU of South Carolina - How To Deal With A 287(g)
| Como Lidiar Con Una 287(g)

ACLU of Southern California - What to Do If Immigration Agents or Police Stop You While on Foot, in Your Car, or Come to Your Home
| Qué Hacer Si Agentes de Inmigración o la Policía lo Paran Mientras Va Caminando, lo Detienen en su Auto o Vienen a su Hogar

ACLU of Washington - Brochure for Iraqis: What to Do If the FBI or Police Contact You for Questioning English | Arabic

ACLU of Washington - Your Rights at Checkpoints at Ferry Terminals
| Sus Derechos en Puestos de Control en las Terminales de Transbordadores

Immigrant Protests - What Every Worker Should Know:
| Manifestaciones de los Inmigrantes - Lo Que Todo Trabajador Debe Saber

ACLU of Florida Brochure - The Rights of Protesters
| Los Derechos de los Manifestantes

Washington State - Student Walkouts and Political Speech at School
| Huelgas Estudiantiles y Expresión Política en las Escuelas

California Students: Public School Walk-outs and Free Speech
| Estudiantes de California: Marchas o Huelgas y La Libertad de Expresión en las Escuelas Públicas


Please Subscribe to the US Immigration Alert Newsletter!

A Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant Solidarity Network
1 year subscription rate (12 issues) is $35.00
It will help us pay for the printing costs, as well as funding for the NISN projects (additional donations to the NISN is tax deductible!)

Check pay to: NISN/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751

Please Join Our Mailing Lists!

- Daily email update:
The National Immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv

to join, visit web: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn
or send e-mail to: isn-subscribe@lists.riseup.net

Once-a-month immigrant e-mail digest
send e-mail to: isn-digest-subscribe@lists.riseup.net    
or visit: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn-digest

- Regional listservs:
Asian American Labor Activism Alert! Listserv

send-e-mail to: api-la-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
or visit: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/api-la

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania areas immigrant workers information and alerts
send e-mail to: nyc-immigrantalert-subscribe@lists.riseup.net or e-mail request to: info@immigrantsolidarity.org
or visit: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/nyc-immigrantalert

Virginia state-wide immigrant organizing E-mail list
send- e-mail to:
or visit:  https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/va-immigrantrights

US-Mexico Border Information: No Militarization of Borders! Support Immigrant Rights!
send e-mail to: (Coming soon again!)
or visit:

Immigrant Detention and Deportation Alert!
send- e-mail to: isn-immigrantdetention-subscribe@lists.riseup.net 
or visit:  https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/isn-immigrantdetention

Chicago/Midwest/Great Lake Region Immigrant List
send e-mail to: chicago-immigrantrights@lists.riseup.net
or visit: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/chicago-immigrantrights

May Day national organizing e-mail list
send e-mail to: mayday2017-subscribe@lists.riseup.net 
or visit: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/MayDay2017

Please Donate to National Immigrant Solidarity Network!
All Donations Are Tax Deductible!

Make check payable to NISN/AFGJ and it will be tax deductible! Send your check to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751

Los Angeles, California 90048
____ $100.00 ____ $ 50.00 ____ $ 35.00 ____ Other Amount $___________
($35 or more will receive 1 year free subscriptions of the Immigration Alert! Newsletter Print Edition)

Donate On-Line: https://afgj.salsalabs.org/actionla/index.html

Every Donation Counts! Please Support Us!